Tag Archives: Island
Ansage fürs 2013 –
et merci Caro für die schöne Grafik!
Das Gleissen in Erinnerung
Bye bye Hafnarborg – and thank you so much!
Especially to Sigrun & Hildisif, but also to Claudio
As time goes by –
Dank Matthias für den Abbau! Derweil in Hafnarfjördur weit und breit kein Schnee und ich mich noch immer freue, dass ich kürzlich die erste Seegurke beobachten konnte:
When might the bubble vulcano errupt?
The bubble vulcano is the only spectacular and harmless vulcano – we wait for his erruption! As soon as this happens, Gallery Digital Frame and Ingrid Käser are inviting you for a truly unique tour, which will take you closest possible to the only and still active bubble vulcano on Iceland, including the exclusive perception […]